
It's Thursday? Warm up the DVR!

What the fancy fuck?

We might play tonight just to get the games in.  If we do, it will be sloppy and cold.  Like your mom.

Bring cleated shoes and several long sleeved shirts.  Maybe even... dare I say it... I don't think that I can... oh my.... oh no.... hnnnnggggg.....  batting gloves.  Call 'em drinking gloves so your hands don't get cold on the bench.  Might come in... handy.

2 games tonight.  Or none.  Maybe one if an opponent bails due to the weather.

Rains all done for now... should be clearing up... but Danggummit there's a lot of precipitation on the ground already.  Is it still called precipitation once it hits the ground?  Is it rainwater?  Groundwater? Condensation?  Puddles?  Call the weatherline later.  Get over it.


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