

It looks like we're going to get to play softball tonight.  Knock on some fucking wood, spin in 3 circles, make a denominational hand gesture about your face and shoulders, offer a sacrifice of crops, just do something to make sure that a damned supercell doesn't appear out of nowhere and fuck up the weather.  We've been idle for a week now and only having played 1 game, the gears might be mucked up with remnants of winter's consumption.  Sure, we powerwashed the machine 2 weeks ago and gave it a good cosmetic hose-down - but come that 7th inning the real nitty-gritty choked up our shut-out machine.

We've rolling out early tonight with the vanguard match-up at Hamlin NorthEast field.  Historically we have not performed our best at 6pm - THANKS OBAMA - so grab a beer as soon as you arrive, toss a ball around to get loose, and heave some insults at Ira.  Aim to start off with some runs so we have some breathing room, small ball if we need to, and then we can put our feet up and play our pace of game.

Let's not get complacent and end up on our heels though *cough*Blackhawks*cough*.  How bad would it suck to have to play our softball season in hockey sweaters?  Answer: a lot.  Grade: A+.  I digress, if a german national sexed a longshoreman, would their spawn be a... Hacker-Pschorr?  That's more a verbal joke than written, but you can go to hell if you don't like it - I created something.  Still digressing apparently.  Hey, what do large women wear to early 90's tribute concerts when they want to pretend their ballerinas?  Hüsker Dü tutu muumuus.

Alright dewds - let's get out there and get a win and then go to the bar and celebrate.

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