
6:30 on the SW Field!

Yes yes, cats have made it onto the Masterbatters webpage. After giving wolves their chance, I figured cats should have their day as well. So, that's that.

We roll against the Four Treys. We played them a few weeks ago (probably) and we beat them. So, like, ya know, we should do that again. Winning is like not having gonorrhea. It's awesome.

You know, I keep thinking that Umpire kitty would be way better than our current F.U.C.K (thats Foolish Umpire Consistently Killsfun)(...its a work in progress). At least Umpire Kitty makes a call and everyone can tell what it is. Look at the angle Umpire Kitty gets on the play... RIGHT THERE, on top of it. No chance at a bad call there. Top-notch, Umpire Kitty!

Alrighty there guys & gals... be sure to sneak out of work at least a half an hour early to make sure you get to the field on time (and to stick it to the man!).

If you're not going to make it to the game, let Danny or m'self know ASAP.


Woodrow Mandrake said...

Not a single p*ssy joke! Ya, I'm classy as balls!

Apehands said...

are you hitting on my girlfriend with all these animal posts? I see right through you buddy. ha.

Woodrow Mandrake said...

The whole Mickey/ John/ OD menage-weird made me feel left out. So that one went out to OD & his cat.
I need friends. besides John Jameson and Philip Morris.

Unknown said...

Just when I thought it couldn't get any cuter than the wolves! Yes Danny, Cute animals wil always work. Isn't that why you gave me a cat? It worked wonders didn't it? It's the other gift you gave me that keeps on giving.