
9:40pm - same field as always

"hyuk hyuk hyuk... You know what would be funny? Taking a 4 year old movie reference & making it dirty!"
"OMG, _____ (insert douchey name here, probably Tyler or Spencer or Criss or Reginald)(sorry if any Batters know people with these names, I'm sure your acquaintances are lovely fellows) that's SO. FUNNY! Instead of Average Joes, we'll be Average Hoes! We're so in your face! Let's kick homeless people!"
Jeepers i'm getting m'self all riled up just pretending to be these people. I'd wager it's probably because I'm so accurate in my pretention (not a word, but should be). How these clowns are 3-1, I can't imagine. Maybe they are so vapid & soul-less that 3 teams just forfeited to escape their douchecloud (it's a lingering, physical mass of douchness) and the 86% chance of douchedrops. Leave it to douchedrops to ruin your favorite shirt, the shit's like napalm - except it smells like Axe body spray.
Fortunately, if you're reading this, you're a member of the Masterbatters (unless you're an impostor, in which case... DOUCHE!) and it's a globally accepted truth that Masterbatters are 100% awesome. So fear not, you don't need a doucheponcho or douchebrella today - our radiating waves of run-scoring, play-making kickassness will annihilate all douchedrops in an 80 foot radius.
Let's stick to our gameplan and play good ball. Our hitting is hott & our defense can't be breached.
Looks like Tarah & Deidre are on beer partol this evening.
Who's coming to the bar early?

1 comment:

Apehands said...


Im there tonight with my boo.

I'm thinkin we go to the field early and listen to some tunes and drink some beers. Im bringing a boombox from here on out.

Post songs you want played to rile you up before our games...