
9f'ing40 Game tonight - at Hamlin though!

Woah, right?  I totally ripped that image off of the World Wide Web (thanks, information superhighways and googles!) and am going to use it for my own amusement.  The more I look at it, the more it creeps me out though.  Bloodshot eyes, ferocious fanged teeth, rather small tongue... sends shivers down my spine.  And look at that mouth - it's at least 65% of the entire entity.  That's a big damn mouth, anthropomorphic sporting equipment or not.

I bet if you tried to hit that ball, it'd just grab onto the bat with it's teeth and then you would flail around wildly because a terrifying ballmonster was so close and then you'd try to hit it against a pole to try and get it off the bat, but the ballmonster would keep moving just inches to the left and right, avoiding the pole and continuing to terrify you and then you'd just have to say 'fuck you, bat - I'm not getting my hands chewed off for you!' and you'd drop the bat and run away screaming because a terrifying ballmonster just attacked you and your bat but no-one would believe you because that's a pretty tough story to believe so you'd end up in therapy and the therapist would be all 'whaaaaat the fuck are you talking about?' but in reality it would be the beginning of a book the therapist is writing about his crazy life that would later be adopted into a prime-time sitcom on CBS and you would totally be wicked famous and rich like that guy from the show with the laugh track and the comedy.

All thanks to that picture up there.

Bringing this conversation full-circle (#WritingPro), we are playing TCB in a Flash tonight.  I think these guys are as veteran as we are.  We play them all the time.  So let's beat them and stuff.

Also - go to Cody's before the game.  Cody's is great and you're great, so be great before we have to play late (#PoetryPro).

Oh, and bring money to OD or Totsch.

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