
** A little look behind the curtain of how this blurb gets written... generally, I look a the opponent's team name, then do a google images search for that.  Unless I have a theme in mind beforehand.  I did not today, so once I sifted through all of the Zac Efron pictures, I found this unbuckled gem of Shaggy - aka - Mr. Boombastic, Mr. Fantastic.  You're..... welcome? **

We're playing some group of numbskulls calling themselves 'Lucky Shot'.  That's a fucking stupid name.  Sounds like a bunch of bedwetters that can't ball.  I bet they pat each other on the back and say things like "Well, we gave it our best" all the time.  Then they buy rounds of Michelob Ultra and play fucking Words With Friends with each other when they are all at the bar together.

As far as our team goes - I think we all know that as long as we get on base, we're in good shape.  Baserunners = runs = wins.  Let's go back out there today and knock that 16" ball all around Hamlin.

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