
Thursday @ 9:40pm!

Hello friends, Thank you for giving me a minute of your time, I know how valuable it is. I'll be frank, I am writing today in an effort to solicit from you. I know, I know - solicitors are the worst. However, I write today not to solicit money, or labor, or emotions (like those ASPCA commericals with Sarah McGlocklan - cripes those make you feel bad). I contact you today requesting that which is most deep-seeded in you. Your 'raison-d'ĂȘtra' as the Australians say. Your Spanish 'glockenspiel' or Mexican 'Tamagachi'.

Your awesomness, I request. At 9:40pm this Thursday the 10th of June, 2010 at Brands Park in Chicago.

If you are a Masterbatter, you have excess awesomness. It probably builds up at the bottom of your sink & tub and you spend hours every couple weeks cleaning it out with Haterade-brand solvents. Well dammit - softball is back! Put that stuff to good use.

If you cannot make it this Thursday - PLEASE LET ME KNOW asap. Thank you for your time today. Yours in masterful batting,

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