
Playoffs! 9:30 on the SW Field

Ya, playoffs. Silly Jim Mora - can't even spell or punctuate correctly. Amateur Andy, that's what I'll call him. FACE, Mora!

Anyway, we start our trek to the Championship tonight at 9:30pm. It will likely be gawddang frigid on the field so dress appropriately. Appropriately for Nome, Alaska circa January 23rd. Or Superman's Fortress of Solitude - the whole thing is ice crystals! Bring gloves, hats, thermals, and a St. Bernard with fashionable mini-keg neckware.

Whoever we play has to play-in to face us. We have the advantage of a) being inside longer, thus staying game-shape warm and b) knowing the Bears score. I suggest baiting the other team into errors by yelling random statistics whilst running the bases. 'Jay Cutler threw for 400 yards... and he has a baby arm holding an apple!' SAFE FO' SHO, FOOLS!

I ramble. Be at Cody's 'round 7 for beers and Bears. Bring cold weather clothes and your money for the coach if you haven't paid yet. The great eye of Cassidy sees all!


Apehands said...

Your ramblings get me in the mood. Not just for softball either.

Woodrow Mandrake said...

Aaaannnddd, I'm creeped out.