

A few things guys...

#1 - Big. Huge. Fucking. Surprise. It is supposed to rain on Thursday. Again. If any of you have connections to the Chinese government & their weather-affecting sciences - please sneak some of them & aim for the sky on Thursday. gawddangum rain.

#B - Pay me money! Coach Brian is fabulously wealthy (...ladies?) but at this point... not liquid. And I gots to get me some liquidity in this market! I can only put so many Bently's on my MasterCard, ya know? So, please plan to bring $43 to the game/ bar outing on Thursday. I will then promptly roll over to Horseshoe & quadruple that playing video Caribbean slots. Then of course, I will blow it on the usual. The usual = chilidogs + Purell (casinos are germ incubators!).

Thanks guys! Be fly.


Apehands said...

If I ever seen the Jonas Brothers on this blog again, Im quitting. Next time go Twilight or Hanna Montana.

Woodrow Mandrake said...

Can we compromise? say... late 90's Hanson photo shoot? or perhaps a early 90's Joey Lawrence?

Why are all my suggestions male teen heartthrobs?

Grrr, Marissa Miller! Monster Trucks!