

Hey y'all. Guess what's happening outside? I'll give you a hint: it's wet, it ruins our ability to play softball, and it ONLY HAPPENS ON THURSDAYS!

Well, try sending drying vibes at the sky and at Hamlin Park. I know that the Masterbatter freight train of power & badassness has slowed down these past few weeks since the rain has come in. But hey, imagine the intensity we're going to show off once we get the chance to be on the field. I'm guessing it will rival the destructive power of the Death Star.

Masterbatters: DeathStar :: Opponents: Alderaan

That's some legit science. FLOYVIN! *adjusts glasses, reaffixes rubber bands on braces*

Anyway, keep an ear on the pulse of the weather line for updates about our game status. Either way, I'm going to Cody's tonight for some beers... while I will drink alone (again), I sure would appreciate some company. And if you are up for some beers, please bring your league fee! On that note: given our weather issues, Players Sports Group may be refunding some of our league fee. Maybe. If they do, I will get you your cut back... but in the meantime - Coach Cassidy Covets Cash.

If you're interested, I've started a street gang. Our message: Fuck Tha Rain! Here's our first tag, marking our territory:


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