
6:55pm at Hamlin!

I have been waiting so many weeks to use this photo, but I always found something more "appropriate" for the opposing team. Since I've already skewered Team X image-style... I decided to pull this guy out.

He works on many levels. The first being the "Hhhrrrmmmm, I'm a serious older man" level. Old men always get me motivated to do my best. They're old so they've lived through at least 4 rained out softball games against second place teams.

This photo also works on the "You can't be serious when you wear a bowtie" level. Honestly, I still feel like I'm going to get hit between the eyes with a shot of water from that thing.

But the message is strong! We made the comeback of the century 2 weeks ago against this team. And that was with several defensive gaffs & a hilariously shitfaced 3rd baseman for a half an inning. We should whoop up on these chumps this game, right from the get-go. Let's get that undefeated regular season. F-that, let's get the undefeated WHOLE season!

We will be short some folks this week, so everyone, bring their A-Game and be sure to show up!

As extra motivation/ something for me to waste time doing, I've come up with some more things related to "x" that get my goat.

Xylophone: play the drums you douche! Have you graduated the 4th grade? If so, you're too old to be playing the xylophone.

X chromosome: You selfish prick, you're everywhere. Every has one of you, chicks have 2! Share the wealth, maybe a Z chromosome wants in on some humanity, asshole. Cripes, it's all Y can do to put up with your nagging and deteriorating housekeeping.

Xavier University: I went to Dayton & these bastiges from 30 minutes away always kicked our ass in basketball. And basketball is ALL Dayton has!

X-Box 360: Like a cheap sex doll. Awesome when it works properly, but use it too often & for too long and it becomes unusable & then takes 4 weeks to be returned from the factory.
X-rated: The most scandalous of ratings. Not just sex-specific, you're liable to end up watching someone's head getting cut off with Power Ranger scissors or something. They should just write "Don't watch this unless you are batshit crazy."

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