
9:40 on the same field as always

Hey everyone. First, let me start by congratulating everyone on a badass game last week. Holy moley did we wipe the floor with those guys or what? Special kudos to Jeff for grabbing his dream & pitching. Extra special kudos for having the guts to flee to the outfield after getting behind 3-1 & making Miller mop up! Seriously though, great game everyone!
^------- You see this here? That guy & the überhip t-shirt he's mimicking? Yeah, pretty sure we're playing associates of his tonight. Our mission: to make our victory so encompassing & awesome that even Threadless' hipster indifference is challenged. "But we're just playing softball because it's soooo ironic. See, like everyone plays 16" softball in Chicago, so it's totally a statement of irony that we signed up to play. I love being indifferent." Well screw you hipster douche. 85% of your shirt designs will get you an ass kicking anywhere but LA, NY & Chicago. Get a real theme to base your life around. Like helping people, or not being douchey.
So that's the plan, we bring the runs like bad mexican food & make this a slaughter rule event that makes the team last week feel bad for Threadless. Then we should primally scream and pillage their loot (fixie bikes!). We are the Masterbatters, we are the Michael Jackson's death of Chicago softball. because we're everywhere & you can't avoid us, you see.
Pat & Brian OD are on beer patrol. As always, the rest of us only have to bring the awesome.

1 comment:

Woodrow Mandrake said...

PS - Since it's another late game, come on by Cody's beforehand to grab some beers. Drinking is fun!