
7:50 on the SW Field!

Rarely does the interwebs provide Masterbatter-specific content as appropriate as the image to the left. Ok, that's not true, you can find anything you want on the 'ol superhighway.
Anyway, tonight we play the Comcast Cherry Bombers. Now, unless I am misinterpreting their name, these people love Comcast & want to promote their ascent to supreme overlords of our visual stimuli. This must be stopped people. Not only is Comcast an evil organization the likes of which only Ticketbastard has dreamed of, but they spawn minions like rabbits. These people must be stopped. I don't think I'm going to far in saying that the Masterbatters are on the front lines in the fight against darkness. Everyone should feel the spirit of the great freedom fighters as we wage recreational battle upon these foes. I would suggest heading to this link to listen to one of our greatest fake presidents talk about how we need to come together to defeat the power of evil... or something. It'll get your motor running.
Of course, if these guys are actually throwing cherry bombs in the toilets at Comcast HQ & reeking havoc, then I say we salute them after kicking them in the softballs. But their probably in cahoots with the 'cast so lets make sure that we beat them 1st & foremost.
No Danny & Nicolette tonight - SO LET ME KNOW IF YOU WON'T MAKE IT!!!

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