
6:55 on Ze Field!

A single letter name will not shelter you from the barbs, zings, and general insults of the Cody's Masterbatters, Team X. Welcome to the Thunderdome, grab your ankles.

Here is a list of things that have an "x" in them that are lame/ stupid/ dorky/ derogatory to you chumps:

- eX-lax: because your team will run from us like the results this product promises.

- Racer X: has anyone seen Matthew Fox as Racer X? Hahahahaha, (insert douche joke here)

- eXclaibur: either you're a prepubescent reading about a king, his boyfriends and a wizard... or you wear leather pants and pay $15 per appletinni to dance with schmucks - FAIL

- Xzibit: What the hell happened to you, dawg? You're harder to find than Ja Rule!

- X-wing Fighter: The pride of the Rebel Alliance... if I wasn't so into SW, I'd probably say something like... you would like Star Wars, because you're dorks....... NERDS (well whadya know, I can say it anyway! awesome zing right?)

- X-rays: x-rays are pretty cool. Rays are not. Especially when everyone loves them.

- The X Files: sucks! roasted.

- Xenophopia: you racist bastards!

- eXercise: OOOOhhh, I want to stay in shape.... don't really have anywhere to go with that, it's a good idea. got one: you probably wear shorts like this guy

- aXis (of evil) - you commie, America-hating turdmonkeys. My gubmint says you're bad, how'd you get a team in our league? Call Homeland Security! They're after our delicious, patriotic Old Style!

- X-men: I bet your team has superhero names for everyone. Batting order: nerd, dork, catlady, geek, dweeb, whore, putz, schmuck, douche, spaz, lamewad. Your team has BAD superhero names.

So guys, considering the pedigree of our opponent tonight, we should probably win 178-3. I mean, I know that we could push for 300 runs... but really, do we want to be there all night? 178'll get us back to Cody's in time for a few games of bags and refreshing victory drinks.

If you guys really want to make the scene, let's get our defense back to the top of top and give kate a shut-out...... Whadya ssayyyy?

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