
Kings of BeOn.... base

Your Softball's on Fire!

Well Masterbatters... even though Tlaloc seems mighty unwilling to cooperate with us & allow us time to play ball, we may as well assume that we are going to play today. Assuming's never gotten anyone in trouble, has it? A quick search of the history of the world confirms that yes, assuming is awesome & never has bad repercussions.

Anyway - tonight at 8:45pm we are scheduled to take on the less than intimidatingly-named, Tool, Inc. Personally, I hope that these clowns are a group of tools that think they're being ironic by calling themselves Tool, Inc. I'm placing the over/under on heavily gelled men's haircuts at 3.5 - place your bets. Plus, I think we should all do a shot of Cuervo if anyone on the team shows up in a Camero IROC.

Even though we haven't had a chance to get practices in or get used to being on the field, I believe in each & every one of you. We've got the power, we've got the speed, to be the best in the recreational league! Here's a few of the "Oh yeah, we should remember these basic softball suggestions to limit the other team's effectiveness against ourselves" hints to refresh your softball brain:

- limit excessive throws around the diamond. 9 times out of 10, your throw will miss it's target when you rush & the baserunner will advance at least another base.

- if your nervous about catching a flyball, catch it with your body. let it hit your gut first, then trap it with your hands against your chest.

- if you're in the outfield and a flyball gets hit towards you, take your first step backwards & take a second to make sure the ball won't go over your head. allowing the ball to bounce in front of you & giving the guy (or gal) a double is way better than misplaying it & letting the ball roll for miles.

- play your game. if you duff a flyball, get over it. if you ground out, get over it. Keep your head right & good things will happen.

- pay attention to the base coaches when your rounding the bases.

- Swing at whatever feels right. You start with a 1-1 count so you can afford to take a pitch if you don't want to swing at the first one.

- encourage your teammates; first & foremost this is a kickass excuse to hang out with friends and drink.

- drink at the game... it's not rec league mushball without drinking.

- live up to the exceptionally high standards of the Masterbatters. We're like the Freemasons of 16" softball.

So yeah, there ya go. I will send an email out if I hear that the game is cancelled before 5, if you don't hear from me check the weatherline and confirm. Kate & I are on beer patrol - y'all are on awesome patrol.


Woodrow Mandrake said...

Let me know if you won't make the game.

Apehands said...

Cassidy you kill me with your words. I hope this game gets played.

Unknown said...

I will be there of course. I kind of want to show up early and get in a little catch.