
8:45pm @ Hamlin's SW Field

Even though I bet all y'all used the handy link to PSG on the side of the page over there, I thought I'd toss up the gametime info on the 'ol Msterbatters Blog. So we play a team named Tool, Inc.



Tool, Inc. folks. We should bring a bag of diapers, because they are going to shit themselves when we drop 20 runs on them in 2 innings.

Keep yer eyes open for the gameday newsletter/ post in which I will continue to ridicule these fools.

Also, please continue to participate in any anti-rain practices that you partake in. Mother Nature is no fan of Masterbatter dominance apparently.


Apehands said...

I shall be at the game. It really better not rain. June is practically gone already and this leaves what? 2 months of ok weather in Chicago. Let's move this team to Cali.

Unknown said...

Or Bali. I'll b der.