
Tonight's the Night!

Welcome back you old fuckers!  How's the children and mortgage and credit card debt and rickety bones and big belly and thin hair and masked rear-view depression?

Well tuck that reality in your damn backpocket tonight, 'cause we playin' softball again!

It's your weekly evening of vacation!  Less chlamydia than the Champagne Lodge!  Less money than seeing Jurassic World in 3D with concessions!  More fun than microwaved veggie steamers and a Good Wife marathon!  Fuck grocery shopping tonight!  Oh, the baby needs something - get to it babysitter, you high-rate charging emoji-abusing horrible music monster!  What do we say when the rear passenger-side tire is a little low on air?  NOT TODAY!

The clouds will disappear and the ground will dry.

Let's drink beer.

Welcome back

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