
Tonight is the NIGHT!!!

Dudes - I got an advanced copy of tommorow's Stars & Stripes(?)! We're on the cover! Holy crap right? As you can tell, they did not consult with myself or Danny for team roster or even an accurate picture of us. I do applaud their use of WWII newspaper font though... it's almost like they saw a headline from 60 years ago and just edited it. Naw, that's crazy speak.
Anyway - let's get our game on! I suggest that we get ourselves nice & warmed up during the first game. We can't take it lightly guys... we've been off for a coupla weeks now and we aren't carrying the momentum that we've had all year. SO - our first game, let's get back to fundamentals: field well, back up throws, call for pop-ups, wait for your pitch to hit, run the bases like your being chased by Lou Piniella's girdle.
If we can score a bunch of runs in the first game and play solid, we'll have a TON of good vibes carrying us into the second game.
We've beat these teams before... LET'S GO GET OURSELVES A CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

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