
Clock's Ticking

Hey Masterbatters, how's it hanging? Just wanted to get the blood flowing & the intensity ramped up for our impending season opener. Those that made it out to Bash for batting practice found it useful - it's been awhile since most of us have swung a bat, no? I encourage everyone to take advantage of this magnificent weather we've being provided & get out dere & toss the Clincher around. What else ya going to do? Read? ya, you would..... nerd.

Anyway, I am out of town until the 1st of June so this'll be the last you hear from me until game-week. I've tried to make this special & timeless, only you can decide if I've succeeded. Miller & I are on Beer Patrol for game 1 so fear not, you're thirst will be quenched. Bonus points for people that head to Cody's in the coming weeks to refresh their commitment to awesome bars. Double bonus points for those of you that utilize the incredible web presence (ya, that's a hyper-link.. booya Gates!) that the Masterbatters now employ. Post nudie pictures, tell wiener jokes, insult Danny ... have a ball.

Be well Masterbatters... you're the Earth's last true chance at preferential treatment for awesome people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what time is the game?